Unity 101

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Canadian family emigrating

Tax Exemptions on Life Insurance for Canadian Emigrants

If you’re a Canadian and considering emigrating from Canada now or in the future, your…
Couple lives a stress free retirement knowing their life insurance premiums are taking care of themselves

Understanding Premium Offset in Life Insurance Policies

Participating (par) life insurance policies are a type of life insurance that offers both a…

Using Life Insurance for Charitable Giving

Life insurance proceeds can help support a charity’s ongoing activities, advance its capital-intensive projects and…

Using Life Insurance as Loan Collateral

Many Unity clients are seeking innovative ways to optimize their assets and unlock liquidity. One…

Unity’s Practical Guide to Recent Tax Changes

This week of April 15th, 2024 the federal government announced its intention to increase in…

Unveiling the Hidden Gems in Your Life Insurance Policies – Exploring Term & Participating Options

Life insurance serves as a cornerstone in financial planning, providing invaluable protection and peace of…

The Importance of Life Insurance in a Two- or Three-Owner Business

In the world of entrepreneurship, partnerships are very common. In this case study, three individuals,…

Equalizing Estate Gifts with Life Insurance

Estate planning is a critical consideration for business owners who wish to pass on their…

The Liquidity Conundrum

Successful businesses grow and grow. Unfortunately, that growth also creates tax. Tax can usually be…

Securing Your Child’s Financial Future Through Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance can be an effective and flexible financial tool to create a legacy…

Unity Insurance

Welcome to Unity Insurance. We build long-term relationships with our clients through vision, communication, education,…

Life insurance for your mortgage

Congratulations, you've just bought a new home. It's a huge financial decision and you have…

Tax Advantages of Insurance

Life insurance policies sold in Canada receive preferential tax advantages that have been enshrined in…

Life Insurance as an Investment Class

Here we will discuss how participating life insurance works as an investment. There are two…

Premium Offset vs. Reduced Paid-up Insurance

Today, I am going to discuss the difference between premium vacation and a policy change…